Sarah Linton's bible (Butler family)

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This small bible (6 inches by 4 inches by about 3 inches thick) was first presented in 1842 to Sarah Linton. The inscription is headed in hand writing: "Lady Olivia B Sparrow". The bible is presented to her for her "regular attendance, attention, and propriety of conduct at Brampton Sunday School" and signed by the minister. Lady Sparrow, (not to be confused with Jack Sparrow's friend) was a serious evangelical philanthropist. Google Lady Olivia Sparrow to find out more. The bible is in good condition, with only that dedication page loose. Part of the spine cover is loose as you can see in the picture, but apart from that one page it is all secure. It was published in 1839 for the SPCK, so that fits with the dates of the inscriptions. Inside the cover pages are listed the Butler children, starting with Catherine Butler in 1850. One child has Linton (or Lenton) as a middle name. I believe this is the bible of Sarah Linton who married William Butler, who was the lodge-keeper at Brampton Park in 1841.

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