Finding your own family bible

I quite often am asked if I can find a particular bible for a family.  I regret this is just not possible for me, and I fear it will be very unlikely that you will be able to find a specific bible you seek.

This is because I only offer the bibles that I find unwanted or cheap on the internet, and then try to find the family that might be interested.  My business model only works that way!  You will normally only be able to find a specific bible if someone posts it on some sales or other website.

That said, you shouldn't give up.

Obviously you will regularly check ebay; weekly if you are serious, as items tend to have seven days or more before an auction is closed.

I suggest you also look occasionally on Cindi's List ( which is an American geneaolgy aggregator site with quite a few family bibles lists.

You might also want to put up a request on one or more of your national genealogy website forums where people are talking about the family name that you are seeking. 

Good Hunting!